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Hotel Carmichael and Carmel Palladium Wedding

Hotel Carmichael and the Carmel, Indiana Palladium Wedding

A day 29 years+ in the making. This beautiful couple’s parents were friends in high school. Fast forward, the pair fell in love and the rest is history. Their celebrations took place in mid September at the Hotel Carmichael as well as the Palladium. Every detail was thoughtful, elegant, and perfect for Hannah and Adam. Cheers to the two and their families! We are grateful to be part of the professional team!

Professional team:
Planner & Designer: @MonAmieEvents
Photography: @StacyAblePhotography
Film: @filmsbyemelie
Venues: @HotelCarmichael / @CPAPresents
Catering: @Ritz_Charles
Floral: @PompAndBloom
Paperie & Branding: @OliversTwist
Entertainment: @evolutionorchestra
HMUA: @SalonOneFour
Rentals, Lighting: @AClassicPartyRentals @BBJLaTavola @EvansAV
Accommodations / RD: @HotelCarmichael & @RenIndyCarmel
Gown: @mariegabrielcouturebridal
Bridesmaids: @DessyGroup

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